
Tissue Massage

Ready to Recover?

Every sport, exercise, or just being physically active will at some point leave us feeling sore and a little stiff. Sports Massage Therapy really helps reduce these by soothing the muscles and calming the nervous system down helping you feel relaxed, refreshed, and ready for more. Advice on training and recovery strategies are also available.

Many choose regular sport massage sessions to complement their training and recovery or when preparing for competitions and events.

Sports or Deep Tissue Massage should feel satisfying and should never be painful.

Deep tissue massage

Fun fact:

Deep-tissue massage is actually a misnomer. It has nothing to do with deep muscle tissue. While the mechanisms of massage are partially understood, what is clear is that we do not effect tissue structure - it’s just too strong and too deep. We are in fact interacting with the nervous system, and it is this that controls the state of the muscle. Deep tissue massage really just means applying more pressure, which some people absolutely love.