Neck pain

Understand Neck PAIN

Neck pain is really common and fortunately not usually serious. Sometimes it can ache all day other times we might get a sudden pain when driving and turn to check out of the window. It’s common for people with neck pain to worry that it might be serious so seeing a professional about this is a sensible choice. While there are causes of neck pain that might require referral to a specialist for further investigation, an initial assessment will screen for these and provide much needed reassurance. We are committed to the wellbeing and safety of all clients and will always refer on if in doubt.

Since national COVID lockdowns, changes to work life, and some stressful periods have left many people with lingering aches and pains. We value listening to our clients, at Move Massage Pro we need to understand how your neck pain started, how long it’s been going on and how it affects your life including your mental health. Working together, we can determine the most effective way to manage pain and recover. This can be a combination of manual therapy techniques, practical advice and some movement practices. It’s important that these are realistic to fit in with your life and make sense to you.
